Over 70% Romanians believe they are exposed to fake news, survey reveals

More than 70% of Romanians believe they are exposed to a greater or lesser extent to fake news, according to a survey carried out by INSCOP for News.ro. At the same time, roughly half of respondents are convinced that many important things are happening in the world that ordinary people don’t know about. 

Asked how often they come across news or information that they believe distorts reality or is even false, 19% of respondents said this happens rarely or never. Meanwhile, 17.9% stated that they come across this type of information several times a month, 17.7% – at least once a week, 26.1% – every day or almost every day, and 11% several times a day.

About 7.7% of those questioned said that they could not appreciate, and 0.6% decided not to answer.

PSD (Social Democrats) and PNL (Liberals) voters, people with primary education, potentially active inactives, blue-collar workers, and small urban or rural residents most commonly stated that they rarely or never come across news or information that they think distorts reality or is even false.

On the other hand, AUR voters, people over 60, and residents of small towns and the West region are the categories that most often declare that they see this type of information every day or almost every day.

Meanwhile, on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is “Strongly Disagree” and 7 is “Strongly Agree” with the statement “Many very important things happen in the world, about which ordinary people are never informed,” roughly half of those surveyed (48.6%) indicated 7.

AUR voters, people aged between 30 and 59, those with medium education, blue or gray-collar workers, and private employees are the ones who totally agree with this statement in particular.

Asked to what extent they agree with the statement “Politicians usually do not tell us the real reasons behind their decisions,” 16.9% of respondents chose 1 (total disagreement), 4.3% indicated 2, 5.8% chose 3, 5.7% selected 4, 11.2% chose 5, 8% indicated 6, and 48.1% pointed to 7 (Total agreement).

INSCOP Research conducted the opinion poll for News.ro between June 19 and 27 using the CATI method (telephone interviews). A total of 1,100 people aged 18 and over participated in the survey.


(Photo source: Georgejmclittle/Dreamstime.com)


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