Update: Romanian former bishop convicted of sexual abuse after journalistic investigation

Update: The Huși Diocese issued a press release regarding the conviction, noting that it has had “no canonical connection” with Corneliu Onilă since August 2017.

“We deeply regret the scandal caused by this case, which is hard to imagine, as well as the unworthy behavior towards innocent and defenseless individuals, who were victims of the sexual abuses confirmed by the court,” the Huși Diocese said.

“Until a final decision is made in this case, we believe that the gravity of the acts is further compounded by the fact that they are attributed to Church servants, who should have been, above all, examples of morality and respect for human dignity. Therefore, we reiterate that no institution can be confused with an individual. […] The guilt exclusively belongs to the individuals against whom the crimes were charged, and the Huși Diocese has the right to recourse against those involved. In light of these realities, the Huși Diocese will challenge the fulfillment of legal conditions regarding the imposition of joint liability as a civilly responsible party,” the institution further noted.

Initial story: The former bishop of Huși, Corneliu Onilă, was sentenced to 8 years in jail for sexual abuse of two students of the theological seminary. The decision is not final, however, and can be appealed.

It is the first time in the history of the Orthodox Church in Romania that a bishop is sentenced to prison for rape.

The announcement regarding the conviction was made by journalists Diana Oncioiu and Ovidiu Vanghele, whose journalistic investigations led to Corneliu Onilă’s indictment. He was tried at the Galați Court of Appeal, but the trial was held in secret sessions for four years at the former bishop’s request, according to HotNews.

Alongside Corneliu Onilă, the former archimandrite of the Huși Diocese, Sebastian Jitaru, was also sentenced to 15 years in prison. The sentence is not final and will be appealed to the High Court of Cassation and Justice.

The victims of the bishop and his associates are also entitled to financial compensation between EUR 50,000 and EUR 70,000 from the Romanian state, as the school was found liable in the case.

The Huși Diocese was at the center of an unprecedented sexual scandal in 2017. Bishop Corneliu Onilă was blackmailed by three clerics, including archimandrite Sebastian Jitaru, with compromising video recordings. Advised by his counselors, Onilă filed a complaint with the DNA for blackmail. The three clerics were sent to trial and convicted of blackmail, with the investigation initially limited to this crime.

Reporters from Să fie lumină (Let there be light) revealed that at least one video evidence demonstrating the sexual abuses of the former Huși bishop did not reach the Prosecutor’s Office of the Iași Court of Appeal. Following the revelations, the Prosecutor’s Office decided to reopen the criminal investigation.

Corneliu Onilă resigned in August 2017 and has been in penance at Văratec Monastery since then. He denied the accusations against him, stating through his lawyer that the incriminating images were faked. During this entire period, he retained his rank as a retired bishop.

The former bishop of Huși was detained in 2020 for 24 hours, but the High Court of Cassation and Justice decided to let him go while investigations were ongoing.

“It’s a belated form of reparation for the victims, a historic decision for an entire diocese of the Romanian Orthodox Church, proving to be morally bankrupt, and also recognition of the journalism of the Să fie lumină team, journalism excellently done in the public interest,” said Ovidiu Vanghele in a Facebook post.


(Photo source: Cateyeperspective | Dreamstime.com)


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