Final results for Romania’s 2024 local elections expected after June 23

The final results for the June 9 local elections will be released after an additional voting round set to be held in two communes where the voting ended in a tie, the spokesperson of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) told

The results are expected after June 23, when an additional voting round will be held in two communes in the counties of Alba and Mureș.

Provisional results released by BEC on Monday, June 17, showed that the Social Democrat Party (PSD) received 34.71% of the mandates for county councilors, followed by the National Liberal Party (PNL) with 27.99%, AUR with 11%, the United Right Alliance with 7.96% and the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) with 6.30%.

In Bucharest, while the PSD-PNL candidates George Tuță and Rareș Hopincă claimed victories for the mayor seat of District 1 and District 2, the incumbent mayors Clotilde Armand and Radu Mihaiu pointed to several irregularities and asked for recounts.

(Photo: Albertophotography/ Dreamstime)


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