Romania will have to double the installed power generation capacity to 40GW by 2035 because 60% of it has to be produced in PV or wind installations and will, therefore, be intermittent, according to the 2025-2035 energy strategy draft currently under debate at the Ministry of Energy.
Romania assumed within the framework of the STL (long-term strategy) an installed capacity of wind and solar energy of approximately 24 GW by 2035, consistent with a 5-fold increase compared to the installed energy capacities as of 2021 (3 GW of wind energy, respectively 1.4 GW of solar power), reported.
Renewables (hydro included) will account for more than four-fifths of the country’s installed capacity by 2035, the first new nuclear reactor will appear in 2029, coal will disappear from the mix in 2031, and from 2036, gas plants should also use “green” gases, according to the draft.
Of the projected capacity for 2035, approximately 82.1% will come from SRE, thus ensuring the use of domestic resources for electricity production.
At the level of 2035, Romania aims to reach a share of energy from renewable sources in the gross final consumption of electricity (SRE – E) of 58.5%, from 41% in 2020.
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