Three in ten Romanians feel Blue Monday is among the year’s toughest days, study finds

According to a study conducted by Raiffeisen Bank Romania in collaboration with Appinio, a global market research company, 3 in 10 Romanians feel Blue Monday as one of the most challenging days of the year. The main causes of emotional discomfort are cold weather, excessive holiday spending, and accumulated fatigue.

Five out of ten Romanians have heard of Blue Monday, the third Monday in January, which specialists call the most depressing day of the year. The phenomenon is particularly well-known among individuals with higher education and Bucharest residents, who are more aware of the impact this period has on their emotional and financial well-being, according to the same study.

The study’s findings reveal that Blue Monday is a rather common reality for many Romanians, significantly affecting them, especially financially. The combination of higher utility bills, increased holiday spending, and cold weather creates additional pressure on overall well-being.

Many perceive January as a time of financial constraints. According to the study, 50% of respondents reduce their spending or create a strict budget (29%), while 60% report having a smaller monthly budget during this period.

Additionally, 37% of respondents believe their financial situation affects their emotional state. During this time, over half of Romanians (53%) become more cautious with their spending, while 22% are more prone to impulsive decisions. Financial stress is also felt more acutely in families with children.

Smaller budgets and higher expenses push many Romanians to resort to emergency solutions. Over 40% rely on savings or loans to cover post-holiday expenses, while only 4 in 10 use financial apps to manage their budgets. These findings, Raiffeisen Bank Romania says, highlight the importance of better financial planning.

The study results indicate more responsible behavior among young people aged 18 to 24. They try to save more in January, and the 18-35 age group is more open to using apps and financial tools for budget management compared to other age groups.

The Raiffeisen Bank Romania study, conducted in collaboration with Appinio, is nationally representative and CAWI-based, carried out on a sample of 700 respondents.

(Photo source: Andrei Dodonov/


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