Romania’s former presidential candidate Georgescu approaches Constitutional Court with request to unblock elections

Former independent presidential candidate Calin Georgescu announced that he would approach the Constitutional Court (CCR) on January 10 with a request to unblock the second round of the presidential elections, and invited his supporters to collect lists of signatures in support of the request. 

Former CCR member Tudorel Toader argued that there is no procedure for the Constitutional Court to review past rulings, according to

CCR, on December 6, scrapped the presidential elections and decided the entire process must be repeated. Georgescu, who won the first round of the elections, has been insisting on resuming the process with the second round, arguing that CCR has not provided sufficient evidence for its decision.

Far-right party Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) and its leader George Simion, who back Georgescu as president, also invited their supporters to attend a protest organised on January 10 in front of the Constitutional Court. The party also announced a mass rally in Bucharest’s University Square on January 12.

(Photo source: Inquam Photos/George Calin)


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