Romanian mountain rescuers announced on Friday, January 3, that they registered a record number of interventions and 161 calls for emergency assistance in the past 24 hours. A total of 162 people were rescued, over 100 of whom required transport to a hospital.
“An unwanted absolute record of mountain rescue and first aid interventions in the history of Salvamont Romania, recorded in a single day. Yesterday, January 2, 2025, the 530 Salvamont rescuers across the country, on active duty at Salvamont bases and posts, were called to respond to 161 emergency calls, an alarmingly high number of interventions,” the Salvamont National Dispatch said in a post on Facebook. The response rate for these interventions was 100%, the service noted.
Calls for help came from too-daring tourists in Romania’s mountain resorts and areas. The highest number of calls, 26, was received by the Predeal Salvamont team. Calls for help also came from hikers in Sinaia (21 calls), Maramureș (14), Brașov (12), Harghia (12), Prahova (11), Lupeni (9), Gorj, (7), and Caraș Severin-Muntele Mic, Borșa, Suceava, Voineasa, and others.
68 of the people rescued needed to be transported to hospitals by SAJ Ambulances, SMURD, and Salvamont vehicles, while others with less urgent conditions were allowed to be transported by their family members.
Salvamont Romania advises people who witness an incident on the slopes involving victims with injuries or health issues to remain calm, mark the accident site, notify the local Salvamont team, and refrain from moving the injured person unless he or she is directly exposed to danger. Hikers and skiers were also advised how to care for an unconscious victim by checking for breathing and performing chest compressions.
“Remember, Salvamont teams are the only structures legally authorized and professionally trained to intervene in mountain accidents involving medical or traumatic conditions,” emphasized the Salvamont rescuers.
(Photo source: Dispeceratul National Salvamont on Facebook)
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