Bucharest mayor Nicușor Dan received donations amounting to EUR 400,000 in the pre-electoral campaign, out of which EUR 100,000 from the Save Romania Union (USR), he explained at a press conference where he evaluated his mandate.
Dan is running as an independent for a second mandate, backed by the United Right Alliance (ADU), made up of the Save Romania Union (USR), Forța Dreptei (FD), and the Popular Movement Party (PMP), and REPER (Renewing Romania’s European Project).
“During the pre-campaign, I received approximately RON 2.1 million, meaning EUR 400,000, out of which EUR 100,000 from USR and the remaining EUR 310,000 from citizens, through donations,” Dan said.
The sum was spent on outdoor advertising (EUR 180,000), online advertising (EUR 150,000 – EUR 180,000), polls (EUR 30,000), as well as filming and various other services.
The state covers expenses amounting to RON 660,000 (some EUR 130,000) to candidates obtaining more than 3% of the votes, Dan explained.
“So far, I have borrowed a part of this sum from the bank where I have my account,” the mayor said.
Dan is seeking a second mandate in a race against former Bucharest mayor Gabriela Firea, supported by the Social Democrat Party (PSD), energy minister Sebastian Burduja, supported by PNL, and District 5 mayor Cristian Popescu Piedone, supported by Social Liberal Humanist Party (PUSL), among others.
The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) publishes an outline of the sums received and spent by the candidates here.
(Photo: George Calin/ Inquam Photos)
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