Romanian Liberal leader and ex-PM Nicolae Ciucă to launch a book next month

Nicolae Ciucă, a former prime minister of Romania and the president of the National Liberal Party (PNL), is set to release a book in June. Titled Un ostaş în slujba ţării/A soldier in the country’s service, the volume will be published by RAO, and the proceeds will be donated to charitable initiatives, according to the announcement published on his website.

Ciucă, a retired general, said the book is about him and his “thoughts on what the transition from an army man to a politician meant.” It’s not an electoral program or a volume about his public image, he also stated, but about his life behind the scenes, behind “the microphone or the TV.”

“I am not a typical politician. And you will see what I believe in this collection of thoughts and life stories,” he says on the website promoting the book.

Nicolae Ciucă is currently the head of the Romanian Senate. He recently confirmed plans to run in the presidential elections this autumn.

(Photo source: Inquam Photos/Sabin Cirstoveanu)


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